Automattic, the
company behind the popular WordPress blogging platform, has seen a rapid
increase in DMCA takedown notices in recent years.

Through a lawsuit
filed in a California federal court, WordPress and Hotham now hope to be
compensated for the damage this abuse caused them.
“The information in the
press release that Hotham published on his blog did not infringe any copyright
because Hotham had permission to publish it. It was a press release, which by
its very nature conveys the intent to ‘release’ information to the ‘press’,”
WordPress’ attorney explains to the court.
The company says that as an
online service provider it faces overwhelming and crippling copyright liability
if it fails to take down content. People such as Steiner abuse this weakness to
censor critics or competitors, and they have to be stopped.
“Steiner’s fraudulent
takedown notice forced WordPress to take down Hotham’s post under threat of
losing the protection of the DMCA safe harbor,” WordPress argues.
“Steiner did not do this to
protect any legitimate intellectual property interest, but in an attempt to
censor Hotham’s lawful expression critical of Straight Pride UK. He forced
WordPress to delete perfectly lawful content from its website. As a result,
WordPress has suffered damage to its reputation,” the company adds.
Since Steiner failed to
respond in court WordPress and Hotham have requested a default judgment. In a
recent filing they demand a total of $10,000 in damages as well as $14,520 in
attorneys’ fees.
If the court agrees with
the request it will be mostly a symbolic win, and hopefully a signal to other
copyright holders that false DMCA takedown requests are not without
During a House Judiciary
Subcommittee hearing on the DMCA takedown system earlier this year, Automattic
General Counsel Paul Sieminski also stressed the importance of this issue to
“The system works so long
as copyright owners use this power in good faith. But too often they don’t, and
there should be clear legal consequences for those who choose to abuse the system,”
Sieminski said. In a few weeks we’ll know if the court agrees.
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